What is a MY READING BUDDY: a BUDDY-a-THON Program?

It's an exciting reading fundraiser to raise money for your organization while supporting your school's literacy goals!

Students will set an individual reading goal by minutes. Goals can be set by the teacher, parents, or student. As the student completes minutes read, the teacher, parents, or student can track their minutes on the sponsor or student portal. 

Students earn buddies and other prizes by receiving donations from family and friends.

Reading fundraiser, school fundraiser, My reading buddy


A parent letter is sent home with students explaining the My Reading Buddy! program.

buddies for fundraiser


Parents scan the QR code, register their student, and send 10+ emails to family and friends. A bookmark prize will be awarded to each student that registers and sends their 10 emails!


Our platform keeps track of all donations. Once a student raises $50 in donations, they earn their very own Reading Buddy! Students earn more prizes as they receive more donations!


Students who meet their reading goals will receive a certificate of achievement. Students who reach their reading goal and earn a reading buddy through donations will receive a special My Reading Buddy! shirt for their buddy!


Every classroom teacher with at least 50% classroom participation (10 emails sent per student) will receive a free classroom reading buddy! 

teddy bear classroom reading buddy


Two classes will earn an ice cream party!

  • The class that raises the most dollars in donations
  • The class with the highest number of reading minutes 
ice cream party

What counts towards a student's reading goals?

  • Reading books, magazines, or graphic novels
  • Listening to an audiobook
  • Being read to by a teacher, parent, or other adult 
girl reading with plush animals, reading buddy a thon
boy listening to audio book
mom reading book to girl

What are the benefits of reading with a stuffed Reading Buddy?

By reading aloud to a Reading Buddy, students are actively practicing foundational reading skills such as:

  • fluency
  • active listening
  • connection between words and sounds
  • vocabulary
  • reading comprehension

Reading with a Reading Buddy helps students develop confidence and motivation in a way that feels safe and comfortable.

My reading buddy, benefits of reading with stuffed animal
girl reading with plush animals, reading buddy a thon

Ways to get students reading!

  • Schedule dedicated independent reading time in the classroom during the fundraiser.
  • Encourage all forms of reading - including audiobooks, magazines, and graphic novels! Host a book tasting event with older students to choose books.
  • After your My Reading Buddy! program ends, extend student’s excitement for reading by hosting a buddy reading event at the school.
school children reading, books

Jimison, Robert. “After a night at the library, stuffed animals help kids read.” CNN,


Okazaki, Yoshihiro et al. “The stuffed animal sleepover: enhancement of reading and the duration of the effect.”

National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5333530/

Contact us today for more info!